Through our fundraisers, we plan to donate to one school for every state

But we won’t stop there

Who we are

Watching the war in Ukraine where civilians- women and children — are being slaughtered — brings back the memories of the Korean War 1950-53, which claimed the lives of nearly 5 million people from 16 countries including 36,516 Americans. The 625 Foundation was established to remember and honor the fallen American heroes. We have done so by making donations to their hometown elementary school libraries. The size of our donations is small but they are precious gifts generously given by Korean and American donors here and in Korea. The money is used for the children’s education, for them to learn about Korea, the Korean War, the soldiers who made the ultimate sacrifice, and most importantly, what it means to defend and preserve the Freedom and Liberty we all cherish.

Future goals

By the end of 2024 we want to complete honoring all 50 soldiers, one from every state. We are trying to help the younger generation acknowledge the people who lost their lives to help the world become a better place for them. We are a small organization but we are trying to spread so more people can recognize our cause.

Ways you can help

You can helps us by donating and walking with us in our annual liberty walk. Help us raise enough money so that we can achieve our goal of raising awareness of the people who sacrificed their lives in the Korean war.